Vocal Strategy


In response to these unprecedented times, our priority is to continue to support schools in their provision of regular, high quality singing experiences in a safe and strategic way. The plan will be regularly reviewed and updated in response to changing circumstances and the latest research and advice. 

We are keen to maintain and build upon the successful working partnerships made with schools through previous projects. In recognition of the variety of contexts in which young people may now find themselves, our teaching and learning focus for 2024/5 will be to develop a range of online project activity that can be used flexibly and accessed easily whether in school and/or at home.

Our consultation with schools consistently identifies the need for CPD (particularly for non-specialist colleagues) as a priority. Where we are unable to provide in-school support, this will be of even greater importance and will be the main focus of our planned activity for 2024/5. In addition to creating online CPD content, we will aim to provide regular opportunities for teachers to meet virtually with the vocal team and colleagues in other schools to access support and share good practice. 

In the medium and long term (2024 and beyond), our aim  is to develop a Singing Schools programme comprising a package of support to help schools audit their current provision and plan strategically to embed regular, high quality singing at the heart of school life.